Hidden Gems
This page is about lesser-known films that we've seen. They're not big-budget films, and sometimes they may have unknown actors, so it's easy for them to slip through the cracks. But we feel that they might be worth checking out for some reason. We've listed our reasons why and where we found each film below.
Fear, Inc.

Joe Foster is a horror movie junkie searching for the ultimate scare. Situations that would frighten the average person have seemingly no effect on him. Then, one day, he hears about Fear, Inc., a mysterious company that creates custom scares for its clients, They go above and beyond to scare the hell out of anyone who hires them. Initially thrilled by the experience he purchased, Joe begins to question the company's extreme methods, and can't help but wonder if he made a huge mistake.
As of right now, you should be able to find this movie on Redbox or online.
The Girl With All the Gifts
A post-apocalyptic zombie thriller with a really interesting twist. The main character, Melanie is a child born with the virus. She's immune to it, but also capable of spreading it if she' isn't careful. And she may be the only chance of a cure.
You can find this online or on Redbox